While high expense and rigidity are disadvantages of hardware, its benefits include quick processing and dependability. While security flaws and dependence on hardware are disadvantages of software, its benefits include flexibility and simplicity of modification.
What distinguishes hardware from software?Computer hardware and software are different. The physical components of computers known as hardware are what truly carry out the instruction. Software is a set of instructions or a programme that the CPU will use to carry out the desired job.
Why are tools and software crucial?Without hardware, it would be impossible to operate the crucial software that gives computers their usefulness. The virtual programmes that operate on your computer are referred to as software; for example, the operating system, web browser, word processing documents, etc.
To know more about hardware visit :
Most of the indentured servants in the American colonies were born in. A. Africa B. Asia OC. South America OD. Europe
Explanation: Just took it
Write a short program using Java, first write a proposal for approval.
First choose a project title.
Proposal for Approval: Java Program - "Guess the Number"
Project Title: "Guess the Number"
The objective of this project is to create a simple Java program that allows the user to guess a randomly generated number within a given range. The program will prompt the user to input a guess and provide feedback on whether the guess is too high or too low until the correct number is guessed.What is the short program?Features:
The program will generate a random number within a given range (e.g. 1-100).The program will prompt the user to input a guess and validate the input.The program will provide feedback on whether the guess is too high or too low.The program will keep track of the number of guesses made by the user.The program will congratulate the user upon guessing the correct number and display the number of guesses made.Development Environment:
The program will be developed using Java programming language.
Eclipse IDE will be used for coding, testing, and debugging the program.
The program will be compatible with Java SE 8 or higher.
Week 1: Project planning and proposal submission.
Week 2: Program development and initial testing.
Week 3: Program refinement and testing.
Week 4: Final testing and documentation.
Java SE Development Kit (JDK)Eclipse IDEJava programming resources and documentationBudget:
No budget is required for this project as all required resources are freely available.
Lastly, Approval:
I seek approval to proceed with the development of the Java program "Guess the Number". I have the required programming skills and resources to complete this project within the proposed timeline.
Read more about short program here:
What does the Address Resolution Protocol do?
Answer: It is used to map MAC addresses to IP addresses.
Explanation: <3
1. The US Constitution establishes that only a natural born citizen who is at least thirty-five years of age is eligible to be President of the US (Article 2/section 1). Create a Java program to help a user determine if s/he is eligible to be President. (Use Dialog boxes for input/output).
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class PresidentEligibility {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String ageInput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter your age:");
int age = Integer.parseInt(ageInput);
String citizenshipInput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter your citizenship status:");
String citizenship = citizenshipInput.toLowerCase();
if(age >= 35 && citizenship.equals("natural born citizen")) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You are eligible to be President!");
} else {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Sorry, you are not eligible to be President.");
Define a function ScaleGrade that takes two parameters: • points: an integer, passed by value, for the student's score. • grade: a char, passed by reference, for the student's letter grade. ScaleGrade() changes grade to C if the points are greater than or equal to 67 and less than 80, and grade is not C. Otherwise, grade is not changed. The function returns true if grade has changed, and returns false otherwise. Ex: If the input is 67 D, then the output is: Grade is C after curving. 2 using namespace std; 3 4 int main() { 5 int studentTotal; 6 char studentGrade; 7 bool isChanged; 8 9 cin >> student Total; 10 cin >> studentGrade; 11 12 isChanged = ScaleGrade (studentTotal, studentGrade); 13 14 if (isChanged) { 15 cout << "Grade is " << studentGrade << " after curving." endl; 16 } 17 else { 18 cout << "Grade " << studentGrade << " is not changed." << endl; 19 } 20 1 2 3
Using An assembly code
Read a 3 digit number from one row, then a 1 digit number from the second row. Subtract the 1 digit number from the 3 digit number, and display the result. Make sure you print your name first, then your output.
Sample Input
Name Last name
Sample Input
Name Last name
099 (or you can display 99 without the 0, either one is fine)
Sample Input
Name Last name
0 (or you can display 000, either one is fine by me)
An example implementation of the algorithm you described in x86 assembly language using NASM syntax:
The Assembly Language Programsection .data
; Define your data here if needed
section .text
global _start
; Print your name here
; Read the 3-digit number
mov eax, 3 ; number of characters to read
mov ebx, 0 ; file descriptor (stdin)
mov ecx, buf ; buffer to store the input
mov edx, eax ; maximum number of characters to read
int 0x80 ; invoke the read system call
; Convert the input to a number
mov eax, buf
sub eax, '0' ; convert the hundreds digit
mov ebx, 10
imul ebx
mov ecx, buf+1
sub ecx, '0' ; convert the tens digit
add eax, ecx
imul ebx
mov ecx, buf+2
sub ecx, '0' ; convert the units digit
add eax, ecx
; Read the 1-digit number
mov eax, 1 ; number of characters to read
mov ebx, 0 ; file descriptor (stdin)
mov ecx, buf ; buffer to store the input
mov edx, eax ; maximum number of characters to read
int 0x80 ; invoke the read system call
; Convert the input to a number
mov ebx, 10
mov ecx, buf
sub ecx, '0' ; convert the digit
mul ebx
; Subtract the 1-digit number from the 3-digit number
sub eax, ecx
; Convert the result to a string
mov ebx, 10
div ebx
add edx, '0' ; convert the units digit
mov [result+2], dl
div ebx
add edx, '0' ; convert the tens digit
mov [result+1], dl
add eax, '0' ; convert the hundreds digit
mov [result], al
; Print the result
mov eax, 4 ; system call for write
mov ebx, 1 ; file descriptor (stdout)
mov ecx, result ; address of the string to print
mov edx, 3 ; number of characters to print
int 0x80 ; invoke the write system call
; Exit the program
mov eax, 1 ; system call for exit
xor ebx, ebx ; exit status
int 0x80
section .bss
buf resb 4 ; buffer for input (3 digits + newline)
result resb 4 ; buffer for output (3 digits + null terminator)
Note that this implementation uses system calls for input/output and assumes that the input is terminated by a newline character. You may need to modify it to suit your specific requirements or platform.
Read more about assembly language here:
he files provided in the code editor to the right contain syntax and/or logic errors. In each case, determine and fix the problem, remove all syntax and coding errors, and run the program to ensure it works properly.
An example of the program is shown below:
Enter a number between 1 and 20 >> 5
5 4 3 2 1 Blastoff!
// Prompt user for value to start
// Value must be between 1 and 20 inclusive
// At command line, count down to blastoff
// With a brief pause between each displayed value
import java.util.Scanner;
public class DebugSix3
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
int userNum, val;
final int MIN = 1;
final int MAX = 20;
final int TIME_WASTER = 100000;
System.out.print("Enter a number between " + MIN +
" and " + MAX + " >> ");
userNum = keyboard.nextInt();
while(userNum < MIN && userNum < MAX)
System.out.println("Number out of range");
System.out.print("Enter a number between " + MIN + " and " +
MAX + " inclusive >> ");
userNum = keyboard.nextInt();
for(val = userNum; val == 0; --val)
System.out.print(val + " ");
for(int x = 0; x < TIME_WASTER; ++x)
for(int y = 0; y < TIMEWASTER; ++y)
for(int z = 0; z < TIME_WASTER;);
// Adjust these numbers for faster or slower performance
program to take the command line input to cut down the blast off.
// DebugSix3.java
// Prompt user for value to start
// Value must be between 1 and 20 inclusive
// At command line, count down to blastoff
// With a brief pause between each displayed value
import javax.swing.*;
public class DebugSix3
public static void main(String[] args)
String userNumString;
int userNum, val;
final int MIN = 1;
final int MAX = 20;
userNumString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,
"Enter a number between " + MIN + " and " + MAX + " inclusive");
userNum = Integer.parseInt(userNumString);
while(userNum < MIN || userNum > MAX)
userNumString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,
"Number out of range" +
"\nEnter a number between " + MIN + " and " + MAX + " inclusive");
userNum = Integer.parseInt(userNumString);
for(val = userNum; val > 0; --val)
System.out.print(val + " ");
for(int x = 0; x < 100000; ++x)
for(int y = 0; y < 10000; ++y);
// Adjust these numbers for faster or slower performance
learn more about command line input here:
According to O*NET, what is the most common level of education that Film and Video Editors have?
Answer: Bachelor’s degree
Explanation: Film and video editors and camera operators typically need a bachelor’s degree in a field related to film or broadcasting. Most editor and camera operator positions require a bachelor’s degree in a field related to film or broadcasting, such as communications.
Find the product solution of
Dr(r, θ) =
= 0
Write a PHP Script to Calculate Total Marks of Student and Display Grade. Use an alert box to display the Total marks and the grade.
Here's a PHP script that calculates the total marks of a student and displays their grade using an alert box:
The PHP Script(The script is in the txt file)
This script takes in the marks obtained by the student in each subject using a form and calculates the total marks and percentage.
It then determines the grade based on the percentage and displays the total marks and grade in an alert box using the echo statement and JavaScript's alert() function.
Read more about PHP script here:
(a) Discuss why the concepts of creativity, Innovation and initiative are important to conduct before one goes into business:
Creativity, innovation and initiative are important concepts to consider before starting a business because they provide the foundation for success. Creativity is essential for coming up with new ideas and solutions to problems that can help a business stand out from its competitors. Innovation is necessary for taking those creative ideas and turning them into tangible products or services that customers will find useful. Initiative is needed to take action on these ideas, as well as the courage to take risks in order to make progress. Without creativity, innovation and initiative, businesses may struggle to stay competitive in their industry or even survive in the long run.
Communists are covered under the Civil Rights Act.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin in employment, education, and other areas of public accommodation.
What does this mean?It does not explicitly mention political affiliation or ideology, including communism.
However, the Supreme Court has held that individuals cannot be denied employment solely based on their political beliefs or affiliations, including communism.
Therefore, while communists are not explicitly covered under the Civil Rights Act, they are protected under the First Amendment's freedom of association and Supreme Court precedent on political discrimination.
Read more about communism here:
Communists are covered under the Civil Rights Act.
True or false?
(Python) A taxable item named Widgets is available in multiple quantities at a base price of $24.99. In your program,
* Store the base price in a properly named constant as a decimal.
* Prompt the user for the number (integer amount) of Widgets being purchased.
* The sales tax rate is 7%. Store the tax rate in a properly named constant as a decimal.
* The shipping & handling cost is 1 dollar per Widget. Store the shipping and handling cost in a properly named constant.
* Calculate and print a receipt that includes
_the subtotal, the quantity, and the base cost on one line;
_the shipping and handling amount on the next line;
_the sales tax on the next line;
_and the total amount due on the last line after skipping a line.
* Ensure that your program's output is formatted as identified in the example output below, which includes a title prior to the data being printed.
* Display commas for numbers of 1,000 or more.
* Use dollar signs for dollar amounts and allow for two decimal places for cents.
* Note the apostrophe in Widgets' in the Example Output below. Your program should include that, too.
* As a reminder use f_string for all printing.
explain the benefits of object oriented design
Maintainability, Reusability , Encapsulation , Scalability
Maintainability --> Breaks down large and complex systems into smaller parts which are easier to manage. With each object having clear purpose.
Reusability --> Once a object is tested it can be reused in different aspect of systems allowing code duplication to decrease.
Encapsulation --> Reduces the risk of unintended interference since internal workings of an objects are hidden from other objects.
Scalability --> New objects can be added to the system without having to change the existing code. (using objects allows code to be in a generic format thus easier code addition in the form of objects)
In this exercise you we will be practicing with ordered and un-ordered lists. Use the examples provided in W3 schools website. You will then try to use CSS to design a webpage that looks like the Cafe Menu below. You will be graded based on how close you can make your webpage look like the sample. Consider yourself as a web designer and a restaurant owner gives you this printed on paper, how close can you get it on the web? HTML 5 and CSS
I was trying to use dividers and tables to keep it together.
Use unordered and ordered lists to organise the material, and CSS to style the menu, to create a café menu using HTML and CSS. The information can also be arranged using tables and divisions.
What does the HTML UL tag default to?The ul> tag in HTML produces an unordered list. An unordered list is sometimes known as a bulleted list since all of the items under it by default are bullet points. Use the li> tag to construct the list of items inside the unordered list.
Background colour for the.menu is #f8f8f8, padding is 20px.
Border: 1px solid #ddd; border-radius: 5px; Arial sans-serif font family;
.menu h2 text-align: centre; font-size: 36px; bottom-margin: 20px;
menu line list-style: none; padding: 0; and margin: 0
margin-bottom: 20px;.menu li
.menu h3 Font-size: 24px; bottom-margin: 10px;
.menu ol list-style: decimal; padding: 0; margin-left: 20px;margin-bottom: 10px;.menu ol li
To know more about HTML visit:-
In this question, you’ll set up your program with the general structure and canvas layout that you need, and start
by converting any number from 0 to 9 (1 digit) into Cistercian numerals.
The program should initially prompt the user to enter a number that will be converted. For this question, you can
assume that only numbers 0 to 9 will be entered. To use the input dialog, you must add
import javax. swing.JOptionPane;
as the very first line in your program. Then, when you want to obtain user input, a line of code such as
user text = JOptionPane.show an input dialog("Please enter text:");
will display the dialog. The String parameter contains the text displayed for the user, and a String is returned. The
returned String should be stored for converting the number. You mustn't convert the String
into an int or other number format, this is particularly important when you get to Q3.
Once the program accepts the input, it must convert the number into a Cistercian numeral. To start, you’ll draw an
empty, vertical stave taking up most of the canvas (looks like 0, below). Then, depending on the number that was
entered, you must draw one or two strokes off the stave that represents the number, as follows:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Your code should follow these requirements:
• Avoid duplicating code. Note that there are only five types of strokes,
and some glyphs use a combination of strokes: use this to your
an advantage to shorten your code. If you are careful every one of your
lines of code will be doing something different, you will not have any
duplicate code.
• Again, avoid duplicating code. You can assume that the strokes all
have their endpoints at the corners of an invisible square: two points
are on the stave, two are off the stave, and all points are equidistant.
If you store these four points somewhere, you should be able to use
them to draw any stroke you want with minimal effort.
• Keep in mind that you are storing the input number as a String, so you should be comparing it to chars of
digits (e.g., ‘1’, not 1).
• Hint: You do not need to use functions for each individual digit/stroke! If you do, you may run into
problems with Q2 and Q3, unless you read Unit 14, which is about functions (Week 9).
In addition to drawing the glyph, your canvas should display the original number, contain a button that will ask the user for new input, and erase the existing number and glyph(s) (this will also be useful to you
when testing different numbers). Make changes to default parameters to make the output more appealing (e.g.,
background color, text color, glyph color, stroke widths...).
Answer: Just download the answer.txt to get the answer. i cant paste here due to the inappropriate words
how do you number the dissertation correctly in the table of contents?
To number the dissertation correctly in the table of contents, you should follow these steps:
Use heading styles: First, use the heading styles provided in your word processor (e.g., Heading 1, Heading 2, etc.) to format your dissertation. This will ensure that the headings are properly formatted and numbered automatically.
Number the headings: Number each heading in your dissertation, starting with "Chapter 1" for the first chapter, and so on. You can use Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.) to number the chapters and sections.
Include subheadings: If you have subheadings within a chapter, number them using decimal notation (e.g., 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.).
Update the table of contents: After you have formatted and numbered your dissertation headings, insert a table of contents into your document. Then, update the table of contents to ensure that it reflects the correct page numbers for each heading.
By following these steps, you can ensure that your dissertation is properly numbered and formatted in the table of contents.
Ios vs Andriod? Why are they different?
Operating systems for mobile devices like smartphones and tablets include Android and Apple's iOS.
What is Android?
Android is more like a PC than iOS since its interface and fundamental functionality can generally be customized from top to bottom. Android is based on Linux and is partially open source.
Android is an open-source mobile operating system that is primarily made for touchscreen mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. It is built on a modified version of the Linux kernel.
Although the Open Handset Alliance, a group of developers, is responsible for developing Android, It is primarily responsible for the most popular version.
Therefore, Operating systems for mobile devices like smartphones and tablets include Android and Apple's iOS.
To learn more about Android, refer to the link:
What instrument is used to draw circles and arcs
You are correct it's a compass.
10 Enter the reference to the total estimated cost in the appropriate location for the second data table. Apply a custom number format to display Total Sq Ft in that cell. Apply Blue font and bold to that cell. How to?
To enter the reference to the total estimated cost in the appropriate location for the second data table and apply a custom number format to display Total Sq Ft in that cell, and apply Blue font and bold to that cell, you can follow the steps below:
Select the cell where you want to display the Total Sq Ft.
In the formula bar, type the formula "=SUM(D2:D10)" (assuming the data range is D2:D10). This will calculate the total square footage of the listed properties.
Press Enter to apply the formula and display the Total Sq Ft value in the selected cell.
With the cell still selected, go to the Home tab in the Ribbon and click on the Font Color dropdown arrow.
Choose the blue color from the color palette to apply the blue font color to the cell.
With the cell still selected, press the keys "Ctrl+B" or click on the Bold button in the Ribbon to apply bold formatting to the cell.
To apply a custom number format to the cell, right-click on the cell and select "Format Cells" from the context menu.
In the Format Cells dialog box, go to the Number tab and select "Custom" from the Category list.
In the Type field, type the following custom number format: "#,##0 Sq Ft"
Click OK to apply the custom number format to the cell.
Now the cell should display the Total Sq Ft in blue font and bold formatting with the custom number format applied.
In this week's readings, you learned about the many features you have the ability to configure. Two examples are font size and a GUI login. What features do you think are important to ensure your users welcome Linux and to provide them with a great working environment?
Integers japaneseGrade, readingGrade, spanishGrade, and numGrades are read from input. Declare a floating-point variable avgGrade. Compute the average grade using floating-point division and assign the result to avgGrade.
Ex: If the input is 74 51 100 3, then the output is:
how do i code this in c++?
#include <iostream>
int main()
int japaneseGrade, readingGrade, spanishGrade, numGrades;
std::cin >> japaneseGrade >> readingGrade >> spanishGrade >> numGrades;
float avgGrade = (float)(japaneseGrade + readingGrade + spanishGrade) / numGrades;
std::cout << avgGrade;
return 0;
To solve this problem in C++, you can use the cin function to read the integer inputs, declare a float variable for the average grade, and then compute the average grade using floating-point division. Finally, use the cout function to output the average grade with two decimal places.
To solve this problem in C++, you can use the cin function to read the integer inputs, and then use the float data type to declare the avgGrade variable. After reading the input integers, you can compute the average grade by dividing the sum of the grades by the total number of grades. Finally, you can use the cout function to output the average grade with two decimal places
using namespace std;
int main() {
int japaneseGrade, readingGrade, spanishGrade, numGrades;
float avgGrade;
cout << "Enter the Japanese grade: ";
cin >> japaneseGrade;
cout << "Enter the Reading grade: ";
cin >> readingGrade;
cout << "Enter the Spanish grade: ";
cin >> spanishGrade;
cout << "Enter the number of grades: ";
cin >> numGrades;
avgGrade = (japaneseGrade + readingGrade + spanishGrade) / static_cast(numGrades);
cout << "The average grade is: " << fixed << setprecision(2) << avgGrade << endl;
return 0;
Learn more about Computers and Technology here:
As discussed in the chapter, one push by computer manufacturers is making computers run as
efficiently as possible to save battery power and electricity. What do you think is the motivation
behind this trend? Is it social responsibility or a response to consumer demands? Should the energy
consumption of electronic devices be regulated and controlled by the government or another
organization? Why or why not? How responsible should consumers be for energy conservation in
relation to electronic use? In your opinion, what, if anything, should all computer users do to practice
green computing?
The motivation behind making computers run efficiently is likely a combination of social responsibility and consumer demand.
What is the role of customers here?Consumers increasingly prioritize energy efficiency and environmental sustainability in their purchasing decisions, which drives manufacturers to create products that meet those expectations.
While government regulation may help enforce energy consumption standards, it is also important for consumers to take responsibility for their own energy use and make conscious choices to conserve energy when using electronic devices.
Simple actions like adjusting screen brightness and turning off devices when not in use can make a difference in reducing energy consumption. Additionally, manufacturers should continue to prioritize energy efficiency in product design and development.
Read more about computers here:
in a hospital,where the transaction processing is very low,the decision making need is satisfied by _ type application .a.front .b.backend .c.computer . d.query.
(a) front-end
In a hospital where transaction processing is low and decision making needs are infrequent, the decision-making needs can be satisfied by a front-end type application.
Front-end applications are designed to provide a user interface that allows users to interact with a system or application. They typically handle input/output operations and user interactions, such as querying data, displaying reports, and presenting information to the user in a meaningful way.
In the context of a hospital, a front-end application could be used to display patient information, such as medical history and test results, to doctors and nurses. This would allow them to make informed decisions about patient care without needing to access a backend system or perform complex queries.
You have just purchased a new Dell PowerEdge R820 Rack Server. The server is equipped with four Xeon E5-4650 CPUs, 128 GB of RAM, four 1 TB SAS hard drives, and two 750-watt power supplies. You have a 21-inch LCD monitor connected to your server. You want a UPS to keep your server running for up to 20 minutes in the event of a power failure. You prefer a rackmounted solution. Use the UPS selector tool at APC's Web site (a well-known UPS vendor). The UPS selector is at https://www.apc.com/shop/us/en/tools/ups_selector/
Determine which model of UPS will work well for this server, and state your reasons. Write a one-page memo explaining your choice and why this would work for the above situation. Upload the document here.
To: Management
From: [Your Name]
Subject: UPS Recommendation for Dell PowerEdge R820 Rack Server
This memo is to recommend a UPS solution for the Dell PowerEdge R820 Rack Server. After considering the specs of the server and the desired use, I recommend the APC Smart-UPS RT 8000VA RM XL3U.
The Smart-UPS RT 8000VA RM XL3U is a rack mounted UPS designed for large applications. It has an output of 8000VA/5600W and can provide battery backup for up to 20 minutes. It has eight output receptacles, which should be enough to power the server, monitor, and any other peripherals that may be connected. The UPS also has a built-in web/network management interface, which allows you to monitor the UPS and its connected loads, as well as control the UPS remotely.
In addition, the Smart-UPS RT 8000VA RM XL3U can be configured with an optional external battery pack, which can provide up to 90 minutes of backup power. This is ideal for situations where an extended period of time without power is expected, such as during a blackout.
Overall, the Smart-UPS RT 8000VA RM XL3U is an excellent choice for the Dell PowerEdge R820 Rack Server. It is a powerful, reliable, and feature-rich UPS that can provide up to 20 minutes of battery backup and can be configured with an external battery pack for extended backup times.
If you have any questions or concerns about this recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me.
[Your Name]
Backing up to magnetic tape was once the only method server administrators used to back up their systems. With inexpensive hard drives, it has become popular to backup to local hard disks, network shares, off site, and even cloud storage. Consider when each of these backup methods should be used:
When should you use tape?
When should you use hard disks?
When is cloud storage a good alternative for backups?
Write a one-page memo format detailing your answers to the above questions about backup. In addition, answer the question of whether you ever see a time when all backup will be done “in the cloud?”
Upload your completed document here.
Hard discs, network shares, off-site storage, and cloud storage are now included in backup techniques that have progressed beyond magnetic tapes. Each of these approaches has benefits and drawbacks of its own.
Why do backups use magnetic tape?The greatest benefit of magnetic tape is its ability to store enormous amounts of data in a relatively small footprint; some tapes can store up to several terabytes. As a result, they are by far the most affordable means of data storage for massive volumes of data.
the use of magnetic tape nowadays What quantity of data can a magnetic tape store?Magnetic tapes can store vast amounts of data, often between 1 and 15 terabytes, just like hard drive discs. This makes them a fantastic alternative for long-term storage.
To know more about network visit:-
You are the director of information technology at a company that specializes in designing and selling customizable sportswear for local high school and college sports teams.
Most of the technology equipment is out of date and must be replaced. You need to evaluate the requirements of individual employees so that you can order replacements.
What will you do?
What are keys in RDBMS
Which term refers to a slide that is generated by PowerPoint and includes Zoom links to multiple sections within a presentation?
A "Section Expand" slide is a PowerPoint slide that has Magnification links to various presentation sections.
How are slide presentations created?Tap the Ribbon's Slide Show tab. Choose either From Slide or From Starting. The slide show button in the status bar or the F5 key on your keyboard can also be used to launch the presentation. Clicking the Options button will let you leave the presentation and go back to normal viewing.The presentation title and the complete name ought to be on the first slide. The audience can get ready for your speech by viewing it up until the start of the presentation.The opening establishes the overall tone of the presentation and provides information about what the audience should take away from it.To learn more about slide presentation, refer to:
A. cache
A browser stores images and page elements in a on your device.
Save Answer
B. vault
D. cookie
A browser stores images and page elements in a on your device is cache. Therefore, option A is the correct answer.
Browser cache stores files needed by your browser to display the web sites it visits. This includes elements like the HTML file that describe the site, along with CSS style sheets, Javascripts, cookies, and images.
A browser cache is used to store web page elements such as images, scripts, and HTML files, so that when a user visits the same website again, the browser does not have to re-download all the elements. This helps to speed up page loading time and reduce bandwidth usage.
Therefore, option A is the correct answer.
Learn more about the browser stores here: