Annotation: This article talks about the importance of staying hydrated and the benefits of drinking water, including weight loss, improved metabolism, and improved overall health. Its translation is given in the attachment below.
What is the article about?The article discusses the importance of staying hydrated for overall health and suggests that many people don't drink enough water. It also highlights the benefits of drinking water, including weight loss, improved metabolism, and toxin elimination.
Therefore, The article recommends drinking at least nine cups of water a day for women and 13 for men. It also suggests water-rich foods as an alternative to plain water and promotes a new product called SHAPE Water Boosters, which add flavor and nutrients to water without adding calories.
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Live Healthy
Quenching your thirst keeps you healthy and energized, but sometimes plain water is just so, well, plain. Here's a tasty (and nourishing) new way to be certain you're getting ample H2O.
t gets short shrift, but staying hydrated is just as important as the rest of your health and beauty regimen: About 60 percent of your body is water, and being even mildly parched-a likely possibility. considering that fluid loss occurs throughout the day-may lead to problems such as fatigue, headaches, and weight gain. People who are active need to be extra diligent about sipping. The American College of Sports Medicine warns that failure to drink up before, during, and after prolonged exercise puts you at risk for heat exhaustion. Losing just 2 percent of your bodily weight from fluid, which can even happen during the cooler months, impacts speed and endurance.
Drink more, slim down Regularly wetting your whistle may also help you reach your goal weight. Researchers from Virginia Tech found that people who downed two glasses of water 20 to 30 minutes before eating consumed 75 fewer calories during each meal and shed pounds more quickly than dieters who didn't pre- hydrate. German researchers have also shown that water slightly boosts metabolism because it requires energy to process it.
Other good reasons to hit the (water) bottle include banishing bloat, warding off constipation, beating fatigue, and clearing out toxins (including those found in alcohol).
So, are you getting enough? It's unlikely. Although the exact amount of water you need varies from person to person (dark urine is a sign you're lacking), the Institute of Medicine (IOM) suggests that women aim for nine cups a day. (For guys, it's 13 cups because of their higher muscle mass.) But 43 percent of adults get less than four!
The IOM guidelines don't strictly refer to plain H,O: water-rich foods like soup and fruit count too, as do other beverages. But if you rely heavily on sugary drinks, your waistline is going to pay the price: A 20-ounce single-serve" bottle of soda contains 240 calories (similar to a candy bar). And about 7 percent of the total calories in the typical American's diet come from soft drinks alone, according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest.
The obvious solution is to stick with water, but about 20 percent of Americans reportedly don't like the taste. If that
sounds like you, check out the new SHAPE Water Boosters (58: CVS. Rite Aid, and Just a single squeeze (equal to a half-teaspoon) adds delicious flavor- but not calories-along with a concentrated punch of nutrients that offer some important bonus benefits. The portable packaging and great taste are designed to meet the needs of the health-conscious woman on the go. Look for them in the following four varieties:
Khi một chiếc xe mô hình trượt không vận tốc đầu từ đỉnh dốc xuống chân dốc (Hình 6), nếu lờ qua tất cả ma sát, so với thế năng ở đỉnh dốc thì động năng của xe tại chân dốc
có vẻ như nó đang hỏi về sự bảo toàn năng lượng của một chiếc ô tô đồ chơi đang trượt xuống dốc.
Nếu ô tô đồ chơi không có ma sát bắt đầu dừng ở đỉnh dốc và trượt xuống (hình 6) thì so với thế năng của trọng trường ở đỉnh dốc thì động năng của ô tô ở chân dốc sẽ là bằng thế năng mà ô tô có. ở đỉnh dốc. Điều này là do năng lượng được bảo toàn và trong trường hợp không có ma sát thì không có năng lượng nào bị mất do các lực không bảo toàn. Do đó, đáp án là động năng của ô tô ở chân dốc sẽ bằng thế năng mà ô tô có được ở đầu dốc.
Ngabe uyavumelana nokuthi ubuntu bumayelana nokwakha isizwe? Sekela impendulo yakho ngezibonelo ezifanele
Yebo, kufilosofi yase-Afrika, umqondo wobuntu ugcizelela ukuxhumana nokuncikana kwabantu ngabanye emphakathini. Igqamisa ukubaluleka kozwelo, inhlonipho, nozwela kwabanye. Iphinde igcizelele umqondo wokuthi inhlalakahle yomuntu ixhumene ngokujulile nenhlalakahle yomphakathi wonkana. Ngale ndlela, ubuntu bukhuthaza umuzwa wokuzibophezela komphakathi kanye nobumbano.
Кыргыз тили
Киринди, сырдык, каратма создорду колдонуп эссе жазыж керек. 5-6 суйлом.
Нужно написать эссе на 5-6 предложений, используя Киринди, сырдык, каратма создору
i don't understand please repeat thé question
Rewrite the sentences with the correct form of the verb in parenthesis
Janet/( stay)/ in /her job/ if /she/ not/ get/ a raise.
Janet has to stay in her job if she wants to get a raise.
Faire un recap sur le Canada en anglais
Canada is a country located in North America, bordering the United States to the south and the Arctic Ocean to the north. Its capital is Ottawa, and its largest cities include Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal.
What is the country of Canada about?Canada is known for its diverse culture, natural beauty, and strong economy. It has a population of over 38 million people, and is officially bilingual in English and French.
The Canadian economy is driven by a range of industries, including natural resources such as oil, gas, and lumber, as well as manufacturing, technology, and services.
In terms of its geography, Canada is home to a wide range of landscapes, from the Rocky Mountains in the west to the Canadian Shield in the east. It also has numerous lakes and rivers, including the Great Lakes, which are shared with the United States.
Therefore, Canada is a diverse and prosperous country with a rich culture and natural beauty.
Read more about Canada here:
It was a very ............. match! England won with 3-2 with a goal in the last minute
dê dois exemplos de equilíbrio termodinâmico
he gas in a cylinder with a movable piston will be at equilibrium if the temperature and pressure inside are uniform and if the restraining force on the piston is just sufficient to keep it from moving.