This is the perfect example of _______ art. The style is very classic.

Have you noticed that this painting has a lot of _______ colours?

Four teams will _______ for the prize.

Ten children will _______ to the finish line.

I'm studying hard for my exam, because I _______ it seriously.

I don't know how to do this, but I'm going to have a _______!


Answer 1


This is the perfect example of traditional art.the style is very classic

Have you noticed that this painting has a lot of warm colours?

Four teams will compete for the prize

Ten children will race to the finish line

I'm studying hard for my exam, because i take it seriously

I don't know how to do this, but i'm going to have a feeling

Related Questions

Is Tongan an endangered language?


Tongan is not currently considered an endangered language, as it is still widely spoken by Tongans in Tonga and in Tongan diaspora communities around the world.

What is the  endangered language?

In fact, Tongan is one of the few indigenous Polynesian languages that has managed to maintain a relatively stable number of speakers.

According to UNESCO's Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger, Tongan is classified as a "vulnerable" language, which means that it is still being transmitted to younger generations, but its future is uncertain. However, efforts are being made to promote and preserve the language, such as the inclusion of Tongan language classes in schools and the development of language revitalization programs.

Despite not being considered endangered, Tongan, like many other indigenous languages, faces challenges in maintaining its use and vitality in a world dominated by global languages such as English.

Read more about language here:


Compose 3 sentences in Latin.

Here are the things that you need to include:

In sentence one, use an ablative of place "where."

In sentence two, use an ablative of time "when."

In sentence three, use an ablative of "means."



i ad litus.

Veni ad litus in volutpat vestibulum.

Veni ad litus mane

just looking for the latin awnsers from this flvs assignment from latin II 50 points



• In sentence 1, "Imperatores Romani" is in the Nominative case.

• In sentence 2, "iactans" is the participle. Its tense is present, person is third person singular, and its case is accusative.

• In sentence 3, "qui ignem in Roma effecit" comprises the relative clause.

• In sentence 4, the tense of the infinitive "legere" is present.

• In sentence 5, "libros Latinos et Graecos" represents the direct object.


Одиницею синтаксису с:
А. словосполучення
Б. текст
В. слово
Г. буква




How do you say I LOVE YOU in Spanish



te amo


Just translate it, “ Te amo “

Why are C names way more popular than K names? Someone please give me brainly answer


Why are so many K names falling out of favor and becoming less popular?
There could be several reasons why certain names starting with the letter "K" are falling out of favor and becoming less popular. One possible explanation could be the changing cultural and societal trends.
Names, like any other cultural artifact, are influenced by the values, beliefs, and traditions of a given society. As these values and beliefs change over time, so do the names that are considered popular and fashionable.
For example, names like Karen or Kevin may be associated with a particular generation or era, and may not appeal to younger parents who are looking for more unique and distinctive names for their children.
Moreover, the media and pop culture can also play a role in shaping name trends. For instance, if a particular name is associated with negative or controversial public figures, it may lose its appeal among parents.

имена внуков абая плис


Answer:   Имена внуков абая плис =  The names of the grandchildren of Abai


Why is the Tekken game dying?


Tekken is only still alive because of Akuma and Geese. They struggle to get the budget to release their newer games.

The movie ________ (release) next month.

The pasta _______ (make) by hand following a family recipe.

The light bulb ________ (invent) by Thomas Edison.

Torn pieces of paper ________ (find) in the garden.a



1. will be released

2. is made

3. was invented

4. was found




குடும்பம் என்பது இரத்தம் அல்லது பரம்பரை மூலம் தொடர்புடைய மக்கள் குழு. இந்த மக்கள் இரத்தத்தால் மட்டுமல்ல, இரக்கம், அன்பு மற்றும் ஆதரவு ஆகியவற்றால் இணைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளனர். ஒரு நபரின் குணமும் ஆளுமையும் அவரது குடும்பத்தால் வடிவமைக்கப்படுகிறது. இன்றைய சமூகத்தில் பல்வேறு வகையான குடும்பங்கள் உள்ளன. இது மேலும் ஒரு இறுக்கமான மற்றும் நீட்டிக்கப்பட்ட குடும்பமாக பிரிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது (அணு குடும்பம், ஒற்றை பெற்றோர், மாற்றாந்தாய், தாத்தா, பாட்டி, உறவினர்கள் போன்றவை)

குடும்பம் - நம்பிக்கை, ஆறுதல், அன்பு, கவனிப்பு, மகிழ்ச்சி மற்றும் சொந்தம் என்பதற்கான ஒரு பொருள். குடும்பம் என்பது நாம் இவ்வுலகில் பிறந்தது முதல் பகிர்ந்து கொள்ளும் உறவு. நம்மைக் கவனித்து, வளர உதவுபவர்களை நாம் குடும்பம் என்று அழைக்கிறோம், மேலும் அவர்கள் நாம் வாழ்வதற்கான உயிர்நாடிகளாக மாறுகிறார்கள். ஒரு நபரின் வாழ்க்கையில் வெற்றி தோல்வியை தீர்மானிப்பதில் குடும்ப உறுப்பினர்கள் முக்கிய பங்கு வகிக்கிறார்கள், ஏனெனில் அவர்கள் ஒரு ஆதரவு அமைப்பு மற்றும் ஊக்கத்தின் ஆதாரத்தை வழங்குகிறார்கள்.

குடும்பத்தின் முக்கியத்துவம் பற்றிய கட்டுரை

ஒருவர் எந்த வகையான குடும்பத்தைச் சேர்ந்தவர் என்பது முக்கியமல்ல. அக்கறையும்

ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளலும் இருக்கும் வரை அனைத்தும் சமம். நீங்கள் கூட்டுக் குடும்பமாக இருக்கலாம், ஒரே பாலின பங்குதாரர் குடும்பமாக இருக்கலாம், தனி குடும்பமாக இருக்கலாம். நமது உறுப்பினர்களுடன் நாம் வைத்திருக்கும் உறவுகள் நம் குடும்பத்தை பலப்படுத்துகின்றன. நாம் ஒவ்வொருவரும் ஒவ்வொரு குடும்ப உறுப்பினருடனும் தனிப்பட்ட உறவுகளைக் கொண்டுள்ளோம். மற்ற விஷயங்களுக்கு கூடுதலாக, ஒரு குடும்பம் ஒருவரின் வாழ்க்கையில் வலுவான அலகு.

hey dude I am also from tamilnadu

Why is the Esperanto language considered endangered by some measures?


Esperanto is considered endangered by some measures because of its relatively small number of speakers and the lack of intergenerational transmission of the language.

What is the language  about?

It is difficult to accurately estimate the number of speakers of Esperanto worldwide, some estimates suggest that there may be only around 100,000 to 2 million speakers of the language.

Furthermore, the use of Esperanto has declined since its peak in the mid-20th century. While there are still Esperanto-speaking communities and organizations around the world, there has been a decline in the use of the language in recent years, particularly among younger generations. This decline in use and transmission of the language could potentially lead to its eventual extinction.

Additionally, the lack of official recognition and support for Esperanto as a national or international language has made it more difficult for the language to gain wider acceptance and use.

Read more about language here:


Compare and contrast the topics of the stories, noting the similarities and differences. Why do you think that so many Deaf news organizations exist? Why can’t Deaf people just use the same news media that hearing people do?


There are several reasons why many Deaf news organizations exist. One reason is that Deaf people have a unique culture and language, and they may have different news interests and preferences than hearing people.

What are the similarities?

Deaf news organizations can provide news and information in American Sign Language (ASL) and other sign languages, which is more accessible to Deaf people than written or spoken news media.

Additionally, Deaf news organizations can cover stories and issues that are of particular importance or interest to the Deaf community, such as advancements in technology for the Deaf, education for Deaf children, and Deaf cultural events.

Finally, Deaf news organizations can provide a platform for Deaf journalists and reporters to tell their own stories and share their perspectives, which can help to increase representation and diversity in the media.

Read more about similarities  here:


In the Irish language why is the letter H so dependent on other letters such as C, D, M, B and T?


In the Irish language, the letter H is often used in conjunction with other letters, particularly C, D, M, B, and T, to indicate certain sound changes or phonetic qualities.

What is the Irish language?

One of the main ways that H is used is to trigger lenition, which is the softening or aspirating of a consonant. In Irish, lenition is often indicated by adding an H after the initial consonant.

For example, the letter C is pronounced as a hard "k" sound, but when an H is added after it, as in "ch", it is pronounced as a soft "kh" sound. This is why you see the letter H often used with the letters C, M, B, and T, as these are consonants that can undergo lenition in certain grammatical contexts.

Another way that H is used in Irish is to indicate a hiatus or break between two vowels, particularly when they are in different syllables. In these cases, an H is often inserted between the two vowels to indicate the break. For example, the word "dia" (meaning "god") is pronounced as "dee-a", but when the word is combined with the definite article "an" (meaning "the"), it becomes "an dia" (meaning "the god"), with an H added between the two vowels to indicate the break.

Finally, H is also sometimes used in Irish to indicate a glottal stop, which is a sharp closure of the vocal cords that occurs between two sounds. This is particularly common in certain dialects of Irish, such as in the Connacht dialect, where H is often used to indicate a glottal stop in certain words.

Learn more about Irish language here:


Is the Corsican language being revived? If yes, how


There are attempts to revitalize the Corsican language in the island of Corsica.

Is the Corsican language being revived?

Corsican is considered a regional language spoken on the island of Corsica, which is a territory of France. While the Corsican language has been in decline over the past century due to various factors, there have been efforts to revitalize and promote its use in recent years.

In 1974, the Corsican language was recognized as one of the official languages of Corsica, and in 1991, it was declared a "language of France" under the Toubon Law. These legal recognitions have helped to raise awareness of the language and encourage its use in public life.

In 2021, the University of Corsica Pasquale Paoli launched a degree program in Corsican language and culture.

In addition, there are cultural organizations and associations dedicated to promoting and preserving the Corsican language.

Learn more about Corsican at:


Why are K names not very popular these days? Someone please give me brainliest answer in 250 words


K names are not very popular or common anymore because we use the letter C for everything in the name Caitlin or carina or Carrie it would be weird if you used Kaitlin, Karina, or Karrie, or in the names Cody or Cason it would sound weird to spell it Kody, or Kason also it just looks more normal to see a name spelled with a c then a k because that is what society has adapted to.

Hope that helps I think I used 250 but you might want to add some more just in case.

Why is the Na'avi language dying?


Answer: Because it's too hard to learn it.

The Na'avi language also consists of using body language and sign language since it doesn't have alphabetical letters which means they don't have a writing system.

why did mob go to T.J. house why did they need three ropes


In Chapter 11 of "Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry," a white lynch mob goes to T.J.'s house to attack him. The reason for this is because T.J. had been involved in a theft with some other black boys, and had also falsely accused the Logan children of being involved in the theft.

What is the use of the ropes?

The mob brought three ropes with them because they intended to lynch T.J. Lynchings were a form of vigilante justice in which a group of people would take the law into their own hands and execute someone without a trial. The ropes would have been used to hang T.J. from a tree, which was a common method of lynching during that time period.

Fortunately, T.J. is not at his house when the mob arrives, so they do not succeed in lynching him. However, they do end up attacking the Logan family, who had been protecting T.J. and hiding him in their barn.

Read more about mob here:


See full text below

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Chapter 11:

why did mob go to T.J. house why did they need three ropes

What can word choice show about an author’s perspective? why the author chose to write about a specific topic how the author organizes the argument when writing about a topic how much research the author has done on a topic whether the author has a positive or negative opinion about a topic


Answer: Word choice can show an author’s perspective by revealing their attitude, opinion, purpose, and tone toward a topic.

Explanation: Word choice is the use of vocabulary and language to create a certain effect in writing. It can help the reader understand the author’s point of view, which is the way an author looks at a topic or idea. There are four elements of word choice that can show an author’s perspective:

Meaning: Words can have different meanings depending on their context. The author can choose words that have a positive or negative connotation, which is the emotional association or implication of a word. For example, the word “slim” has a positive connotation of being fit and healthy, while the word “skinny” has a negative connotation of being too thin and weak. The author can also use words that have a specific denotation, which is the literal dictionary definition of a word. For example, the word “home” has a denotation of a place where one lives, but it can also have a connotation of comfort, security, and belonging. By choosing words with different meanings, the author can convey their perspective on a topic.

Purpose: The author can choose words that match their purpose for writing. The author’s purpose is their intent or reason for writing. It can be to persuade, inform, or entertain the reader. For example, if the author’s purpose is to persuade the reader to accept a certain point of view, they might use words that appeal to logic, emotion, or ethics. If the author’s purpose is to inform the reader about a topic, they might use words that present facts, data, or information without bias. If the author’s purpose is to entertain the reader with a story or a poem, they might use words that create imagery, mood, and characterization. By choosing words that suit their purpose, the author can show their perspective on a topic.

Tone: The author can choose words that create a certain tone in writing. Tone is the attitude or feeling that the author expresses toward a topic. It can be formal or informal, serious or humorous, respectful or sarcastic, etc. For example, if the author’s tone is formal, they might use words that are polite, precise, and objective. If the author’s tone is informal, they might use words that are casual, colloquial, and subjective. By choosing words that establish a tone, the author can show their perspective on a topic.

Perspective: The author can choose words that indicate their perspective in writing. Perspective is the point of view from which the author tells a story or speaks to an audience. It can be first person (using “I”, “me”, “my”, “we”), second person (using “you”), or third person (using “they”, “he”, “she”). For example, if the author’s perspective is first person, they might use words that reflect their personal experience, opinion, or emotion. If the author’s perspective is second person, they might use words that address or involve the reader directly. If the author’s perspective is third person, they might use words that describe or analyze other characters or situations objectively. By choosing words that reveal their perspective, the author can show their perspective on a topic.

In summary, word choice can show an author’s perspective by revealing their attitude, opinion, purpose, and tone toward a topic. Hope this helps, and have a great day! =)

Why are most languages naturally created?



Most languages are naturally created because they emerge and evolve over time as a result of human social interaction and communication. Language is a means of communication that allows humans to share ideas, thoughts, and feelings with one another, and it has evolved in response to the communicative needs of individuals and communities.

When people interact with one another, they develop shared ways of speaking and understanding each other, and these shared linguistic practices gradually become more complex and nuanced over time. As communities grow and change, so too does their language, with new words, expressions, and grammatical structures emerging to reflect the changing needs and perspectives of the people who use it.

Because language is a natural product of human communication, it is not typically designed or planned in advance by any individual or group. Instead, it emerges spontaneously and organically as a result of ongoing social interaction and the need for effective communication. While some languages may be intentionally created for specific purposes, such as constructed languages like Esperanto or Klingon, these represent a relatively small subset of all human languages.

What type of figurative language is these? it is going to take all year to clean my room


Answer:Exposition, Climax, Denoument


HELP PLEASE PLEASE i have to turn this in in 20 min. follow all the rules of grammar. Complete at least three (3) paragraphs.

Discuss your experience going on the field trip to Cal State Dominguez.
Please discuss specific examples.




What is Cal State Dominguez known for?

CSUDH's highly respected College of Business Administration and Public Policy is a valuable business as well as educational asset offering excellent academic programs, business consulting and a range of community services.

Why is the Hawaiian language declining?


The decline of the Hawaiian language can be attributed to a few factors:

1. Colonization and westernization: When Hawaii was colonized by Western powers, the Hawaiian language was suppressed in favor of English. Hawaiian children were often punished for speaking their native language in school, and many were forced to abandon their language and culture in order to assimilate.

2. Decline in native speakers: Due to a variety of factors, including the aforementioned suppression of the Hawaiian language, the number of native speakers of Hawaiian has declined over time. As older generations pass away, there are fewer and fewer people who speak Hawaiian fluently.

3. Lack of resources and support: There are fewer resources available for learning and teaching the Hawaiian language compared to more widely spoken languages like English or Spanish. Additionally, there has been a lack of support for revitalizing and promoting the Hawaiian language in both government and private sectors.

Efforts are currently underway to revive and promote the Hawaiian language, but it remains a challenge to reverse the decline that has occurred over the past century.

Inventions and Innovations-New ideas of this era are show below. Try to identify what they are, how they were
used, and why they were important.
Machine train

What was it? What did it do?
The machine
Why was it important?


A Machine train is a form of transportation that runs on rails and is typically composed of a locomotive and one or more cars that carry passengers or cargo.

How was the train created?

It was first developed in the early 19th century and played a critical role in the industrialization of many countries around the world.

Therefore, trains were initially used for transporting raw materials and finished goods, which allowed manufacturers to transport goods faster, cheaper, and in larger quantities than before. This increased efficiency led to greater productivity and economic growth.

Find out more about Inventions at:


Why are the companies, Quiktrak and QuikTrip not very popular?


TULSA, Okla. — Founded in 1958, QuikTrip Corp. (QT) has been a key player in transforming the convenience retailing landscape. Today, the 850-store chain has grown to a more than $11 billion company with operations across 11 states, and is consistently listed among Forbes' largest privately held companies.

Hey dude I hope you will be satisfied with my answer please make me brainalist and keep smiling dude

Why are the people losing interest in Hindi language? Someone please give me brainliest answer in 250 words



make me brainalist and keep smiling


India today has more than 22 languages and other regional languages but Hindi is the language that can be understood by the majority of Indians. It is a major tool for communication to exchange ideas, feelings and emotions. However, in the fast-changing technology era, it is losing its importance.

Yo me quedaba en la casa mientras tú
con tus amigos. (irse)




1.En primer lugar crear una amistad sólida demora mucho tiempo, alguien que de la noche a la mañana pretende ser tu amigo íntimo debe ser visto con cautela, pues la intimidad, la confianza y el respeto se ganan de a poco no se regalan.

2.Una de las formas más fáciles de identificar un falso amigo es notar cuándo aparece en tu vida: si estás bien, feliz, viviendo un buen momento estará allí contigo para compartir risas y diversión, pero cuando tienes un problema, cuando el panorama no luce tan alentador, este amigo simplemente desaparece. Los falsos amigos solo desean estar presentes en los buenos momentos.

3.Un falso amigo es aquel que se mete y opina de tu vida (ya sea personal o laboral) siempre con una mala intención. No pierde oportunidad para destacar tus errores, decirte que has fallado y hacerte sentir mal, esto es porque de algún modo se alegra de tus fracasos.

Help please with different java coding assignment
Please add a comment to the question if you would like a picture of the text file


Here's a Java program that checks whether a sentence is a perfect pangram or not:

The Program

import java.util.HashSet;

public class PerfectPangramChecker {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       String sentence = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";

       boolean isPerfectPangram = checkPerfectPangram(sentence);

       if (isPerfectPangram) {


       } else {

           System.out.println("NOT PERFECT");



   public static boolean checkPerfectPangram(String sentence) {

       HashSet<Character> set = new HashSet<Character>();

       for (int i = 0; i < sentence.length(); i++) {

           char c = sentence.charAt(i);

           if (Character.isAlphabetic(c)) {




       return set.size() == 26;



In this program, we first define the sentence to be checked as a String variable sentence. We then call the checkPerfectPangram function to check whether the sentence is a perfect pangram. If it is, we print PERFECT, otherwise we print NOT PERFECT.

The checkPerfectPangram function takes a String sentence as input and returns a boolean value indicating whether the sentence is a perfect pangram or not. The function first creates a HashSet of characters to keep track of the unique alphabets in the sentence. It then iterates over the characters in the sentence, adding each alphabetic character (converted to lowercase) to the HashSet.

Finally, the function checks whether the size of the HashSet is 26 (the number of English alphabets). If it is, then the sentence is a perfect pangram, and the function returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.

Read more about Java here:


ixl b.2 English language


The word that does not rhyme in question B. 2 is Fern.

What are rhyming words?

Rhyming words are those that sound the same. If a listener does not pay rapt attention, they may mistake one of the words for another. In the question, we are told to find the odd word that does not sound like the others.

Thorn and Corn sound alike but we cannot say the same for the word, fern. The presence of the letters -orn makes the two words and their sounds come off in a similar way to the hearer. So, option C does not rhyme with the others.

Complete Question:

The question in IXL B.2 is this: Which word does not rhyme?

A. Thorn B. Corn C. Fern

Learn more about rhyming words here:


Why is the German language dying as a language of scholarship?


It is true that the use of German in scholarship has declined in recent years, it is by no means dying out as a language of scholarship.

What is scholarship?

German is still a widely used language in scholarship, particularly in fields such as philosophy, history, and the sciences. In fact, many academic journals and publications in these fields are still published in German.

However, it is true that the dominance of English as the lingua franca of the academic world has led to a decline in the use of German as a language of scholarship, particularly in fields outside of Germany. This is partly due to the fact that English is now the dominant language of international communication and collaboration in many academic fields.

Despite this, there are still many scholars who publish their work in German and who continue to conduct research in the language. Additionally, many universities and academic institutions around the world still offer German language courses and support research in German.

Read more about scholarship here:


Are the languages Ecclesiastical Latin and Friulian being revived? If yes how




Ecclesiastical Latin, also called Church Latin or Liturgical Latin, is a form of Latin developed to discuss Christian thought in Late Antiquity and used in Christian liturgy, theology, and church administration down to the present day, especially in the Catholic Church.

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